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Strategic Communications

Learn the best communication principles, strategies, and initiatives to further your district’s goals, mission, or values.

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We understand the challenges when trying to communicate your message to parents, students, the community, and the media. 

Caissa K12 has the tools and experience to help you control the narrative while maintaining your district's mission.


Let us give you the tools you need to build advocates in your students, parents, community, and local media.

The most effective way to gauge your community’s perception is to ask the people living in your community. Our surveys are conducted using a variety of methods that include both quantitative and qualitative data.

The insight from our Annual Student Recruitment surveys can show your district what percentage of parents are considering changing schools, what factors are most important to them when choosing a school system, and more.


If you would like to learn more, please contact us at 901.522.1030 or send an email to Adrian at 

Top drivers for parents changing schools
Caissa Student Recruitment Methodology2-

Schedule a 10-minute consultation!

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